September - Handwritten Script Font

How To Create Your Own SVG Files

Did you know that you're able to create original art SVG files?  It's not as hard as it sounds and then you own them and can sell without worrying about commercial rights (as long as it is truly your own original design).

There are several ways to go about creating them!  You pick the options that work best for you and can start designing to your heart's content.

1. Using the Business Edition of Silhouette Studio software.

If you upgrade to the business version of the software you can save your work as an SVG file.  Here's a quick step by step tutorial showing how simple it is!

Start by typing your word (or creating your drawing).  I'm using the font Battshion which is currently a free commercial use font!

If your design is a cursive font or something that isn't connected, you'll need to weld the design together.

After you weld it, either group it together or make it a compound path.

Once you're done simply save it as an SVG file, the options are in the "save as type" dropdown menu.

Pretty simple right!?!

Again, that's a feature only offered in the business edition of the software, but if you are designing files as part of your business it will more than pay itself back, it's not a huge investment either.
2. Ipad and  Apple pencil with the Procreate App

This is a very popular way to create hand-lettered or hand drawn files!  It's like drawing on paper digitally.  I just recently purchased an Ipad and pencil to try this method myself.  The newest Ipad that's not a pro is compatible so it helps those of us who don't have thousands of dollars to spend join in on the fun.

Here are some links to youtube videos that show you the process.  I'm too new to show you myself.  :)  Of course, there are hundreds of videos for this topic so this is a small sampling of what is out there.

I personally follow both of these creative artists on Instagram so I know they are really good at both using and teaching this amazing app.  I just wish I had unlimited hours in the day to sit and play.

3.  Using Illustrator software

Again, I'm not personally an expert on this software program, I know just enough to get by but not enough to feel confident in teaching you.  Here are some youtube videos of people who are great at explaining how to do this!

You can also use the free vector software called Inkscape.  Most of the videos I found for that software involved tracing images from the internet.  While great for personal use projects, that's not ok for making SVG files to sell because you're copying someone else's hard work.

I'm sure there are even more ways to create your own SVG files but these seem to be the most prevalent with current technology.

Which method are you drawn to the most?   Go ahead and save this pin for reference.
